List of Polish admirals
The following is a list of Polish officers holding the rank of admiral, as well as generals serving in the Polish Navy. It is to be noted that prior to 1918 the term admirał (and, consistently, wiceadmirał and kontradmirał) referred to a function held in the navy rather than a military rank as such.
Until 1918
World War II
- generał brygady Stanisław Dąbek [10], commander of the Coastal Land Defence units
- kontradmirał Stefan Frankowski [11], commander of the Coastal Sea Defence units
- kontradmirał Tadeusz Morgenstern-Podjazd [12], deputy commander of the Navy
- kontradmirał Romuald Nałęcz-Tymiński [13], commanding officer of ORP Conrad
- kontradmirał Mikołaj Abramow (Nikolai Abramov - commander of the Navy) [14], commander of the Navy
- wiceadmirał Wiktor Czerokow (Viktor Cherokov) [15], commander of the Navy
- kontradmirał Adam Mohuczy, deputy commander of the Navy
- kontradmirał Włodzimierz Steyer, commander of the Navy
- kontradmirał Iwan Szylingowski (Ivan Shillingovskiy) [16], chief of general staff and deputy commander of the Navy
- kontradmirał Aleksander Winogradow (Aleksandr Vinogradov) [17] – dowódca Marynarki Wojennej
After 1989
- ^ Promoted posthumously
- ^ Promoted upon retirement
- ^ In active service (as of 2005)
- ^ A Dane in Polish service
- ^ A Spainiard in Polish service
- ^ A Dutchman in Polish service
- ^ A Russian in Polish service
- ^ A Scotsman in Polish service
- ^ A Swede in Polish service